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Test Your Website
Want to know what Google thinks of your website?
It’s important that you do because Google just recently changed their algorithm. Even if your site was performing ok before the update, it might not be doing so now.
If it’s not up to par, they will lower your website in searches, which in turn means A LOT less customers and less money.
That’s why it’s a good idea to test your website and see how it measures up.

The developers at Google have a free to use tool that tells you what’s wrong with your website.
We ran our website through it and were pleasantly surprised by the results. It’s virtually impossible to score 100% across the board, but these results are really impressive. (See below)
We also tested some websites belonging to some ‘Top’ digital marketing companies and ‘experts’ and found them to be woefully inadequate.
If you are looking for a web designer, don’t be fooled by their hype. It’s a good idea to test their site and see how they REALLY measure up. If they can’t even get their own site to perform, then why would you want them to build yours?
To test your website or test any digital marketing agency’s website, you can use the free Google Page Speed Insights tool. To get an accurate reading you may need to run the test several times… https://pagespeed.web.dev/
Hopefully, after checking our web design against the competition, you’ll see why only we can build you a website fit for the 21st century.
If you want to know more about our fast loading, SEO friendly websites then click the button below…